Shawn Owens & Sloppy Days

(Return Of The Dust T-shirt Graphic)

So I finally got the time to get up with Shawn Owens, The Founder of Sloppy Days, and ask him a few questions that have been on my mind for a little while now. For those of you who don't know, Shawn Owens is an entrepreneur, skateboarder, and inspiration to many youth in Virginia. 

Me: Sloppy days seems to be doing pretty well as of late. What is Sloppy Days, what led you to starting this brand?
Shawn: Sloppy Days is my creative outlet, its really just all my ideas put into one place; rather it be clothing, video editing, or just silly little promos! Sloppy Days came about because i went to school for accounting and marketing.  When I first got out of school i was an analyst and it really didn’t give me much flexibility creatively.  At the same time we were trying to start working on this second video called Sloppy Seconds, which was going to be a project YT (VAFLZ) and I were going to fully work on, but it fell apart because people started moving away. Also we couldn't get the domain name, of course because it's a porn site.  

Me: Every chance I get to check out the online store, theres almost always a few items sold out. How are things going for you?
Shawn: Thanks, its an uphill battle.  I mean everyone uses the terms limited edition this, limited edition that, quick strike this… with small companies everything is Limited and probably won’t get reprinted because of limited resources and backing.  I personally fund Sloppy Days so as far as product you have to get it while its there.  No telling how long something might be around.

Me: As of lately I’ve been seeing you drop a few clips here and there via Instagram. What is going on with you and skateboarding?
    Shawn: I'm working on a couple projects, actually just finished a full Length sloppy days video/DVD that premieres June 4th in Virginia and two other dates in Florida. It features Stephen Mullen, Myself, and the homie Sleepy Roz.  Its a collection of footage and its just fun.   Im also working on another full length part for Cardinal Skateshop, so I’ve been posting stuff here and there.
    Me: Why didn’t you turn pro? laughs  (serious question) Nollie Flip down NC 3 was sick not to mention being flow for Nike SB. Whats the deal?
    Shawn: HA HA , I wasn’t good enough and didn’t have the drive.  Two major factors for doing anything professionally!  Talent and Drive!
    Me: Do you think skateboarding has had some sort of influence on your creativity and output for Sloppy Days?
    Shawn: Absolutely!!!YT, Post 22,  the homies! Huge influence on videos.  The Clothing/Accessories is just my mind going 100 thoughts per minute and doing stuff i think is funny in general!
    Me: How do you feel about the “CORPORATE HAND” in skateboarding? 
    Shawn: Im indifferent.  I skateboard because its fun to me.  People have bills to pay and if you’re going to do something professionally you should be able to take care of yourself after your career is said and done. Just a generalization not getting too deep into it!
    Me: What are you up up to nowadays other than skateboarding and running Sloppy Days ?
    Shawn: Im a marketing analyst for a company professionally and i also play basketball, run, and do random stuff… I’m pretty active.
    Me: Favorite east coast skate spots of all time?
    Shawn: Mt. Trash more from 1999 - Current and NYC IN GENERAL!  and the PLOT !
    Me: Shout Outs?
                            Shawn: Im very fortunate to have so many good people in my life I really don’t want to l leave anyone out, SO Eerrrrrrbody!


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