Taylor Wilcox : A Soul Uninhibited

(The cover of Taylor's new self-published book)

       Have you ever considered writing a book about your life, the people around you, or just a world created in the depths of your mind? Have you ever considered being a writer who goes their own route, publishing everything on their own without having to abide by company guidelines? This interview is about a writer who is a mother of two, a creative individual, and an entrepreneur. She is the author of Soul Uninhibited; a collective of personal poems she has written over time. She is a VA native who now resides in Sanford, Florida.

Q: Name :  

A: Taylor Simone Wilcox

Q: Date of birth:

A: August 3, 1992

Q: Creative Occupation: 

A: I can officially call myself a self-published poet

Q: Inspirations: 

A: My children, my family, my relationships, and all triumphs and tragedies in between

Q: What inspired you to self publish? 

A: My desire to remain true to the level of independence I’ve tried to maintain throughout my entire life. Really, not being where I really wanted to be made me impatient a bit, because I felt like I was wasting my own valuable time. I felt that when I finally had the courage to share my feelings and my art, I wanted it to be sporadic so I didn’t give myself more time to doubt myself like I had for the past twenty years.

Q: Would you recommend doing so to other writers? 

A: As of now, I do recommend self-publishing to others. I’m still learning about the process myself, but I feel like if you have a creative vision or idea and you want to share or develop it on your own, that you should expose it on your own. I want to be able to feel like I have 100 percent freedom with the stuff I put out, unless I blatantly feel like I need assistance executing a project. I want to be able to say, “I did that” and mean it to every possible degree. So, I think other people should do the same. I’m so over the idea of giving anybody any inkling of power over anything that is mine—feelings, ideas, projects, etc. I obviously have to go through some form of publishing process to get my stuff out there, but I don’t do anything traditionally, so I would encourage others to step outside of their comfort zone and do it on their own. If anything, it allows you the opportunity to learn the business and how to maneuver it.

Q: Would you like to give the readers a sample of what this great book has to offer? 

A: I would love to offer a sample, and actually plan to do so by providing small snippets on the Facebook page. I’ve been so busy but I’ve been planning to this anyway, because I’m worried people are confusing my poetry book with the novel I’ve been talking about since 2013.

Q: Direct link for purchase :

A: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1978130708/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1508009220&sr=8-2&keywords=soul+uninhibited

Q: Anything future projects in the works? 

A: Yes, my first novel, Nameless is anticipating completion for the writing portion by the end of 2017. I really only published the poetry book to help create an audience and raise funds to have the novel edited. This project has been my baby for the last four years, and I’ve developed it so much. I still have a chapter left to write because I stopped to focus on my poetry and not rush the ending, as I want it to be perfect, to my standard, anyway. It’s a Young Adult novel because of content and language, and like my poetry, the story involves an internal and external battle to find self. It isn’t about me or inspired by me. It’s totally fictional, but has so many stories in one. I intend on making it a trilogy, as it is a coming of age story. 


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